Countertop Pizza Oven: Do You Really Need One? Complete Guide

Do you find yourself constantly craving pizza? Are you looking for an easy way to make your own crispy pies?

A countertop pizza oven may be the perfect appliance to satisfy your cravings – and this guide has everything you need to know! You’ll discover if it’s worth the investment and determine if it’s right for you.

You’ve likely seen the infomercials for countertop pizza ovens that promise to make perfect pizzas in minutes and you may be wondering if they are worth the hype. Is it really possible to recreate a restaurant-style pizza right at home, or is the countertop pizza oven just another kitchen gimmick?

This guide will give you an overview of what’s on the market, why you might need one and how they can help you create delicious homemade pizzas in no time. We’ll also provide some tips on how to use your countertop oven to its fullest potential and what accessories are available that can help you make restaurant-style pizzas right in your own home. By the time we’re done, you should have a better understanding of whether a countertop pizza oven is right for you.

Explanation of what a countertop pizza oven is

A countertop pizza oven is a miniature, self-contained appliance designed for baking freshly made pizza. Countertop pizza ovens are a great option for both professional and home kitchens alike, and can help take the guesswork (and potential mess!) out of making delicious pizzas. They are also a great option for those who need to prepare large batches of pizzas without taking up too much space, as many countertop pizza ovens have a small footprint.

Unlike traditional ovens that use heated air to bake food, most countertop pizza ovens utilize either infra-red heat or microwaves to cook the pizzas in the shortest amount of time possible – usually no more than 10 minutes! Countertop pizza ovens can be powered by either gas or electricity, depending on your preferences and budget. Some models are equipped with dual cooking methods, meaning they can combine both gas and electric sources for optimal cooking results.

Countertop pizza ovens come in various sizes, ranging from compact models for smaller kitchens to larger industrial units with room to accommodate multiple 12” diameter pizzas at once. No matter which size you choose, you’ll find these appliances essential in creating delicious homemade pizzas with deep dish crusts or thin crusts within minutes!

Brief history of pizza ovens

The earliest pizza ovens date back to ancient times and use the same principles that are still used today. Traditional pizza ovens, known as wood-fired ovens or masonry ovens, burn wood or charcoal on one side of the oven. Heat from the flame is then transferred to a brick floor inside the dome-shaped enclosure. The heat reflects off of this base and cooks the pizza quickly, producing a crispy outer crust and warm inside.

As more advanced materials were developed for modern construction, combustion gas stovetops for permanent home use also became available. These gas stoves feature several burners with adjustable heat settings in a range of BTUs that can reach very high temperatures needed for baking pizzas quickly.

For those who enjoy making their own pizzas but don’t want to invest in a full-size pizza oven, countertop versions provide an easy way to make restaurant-quality pizzas at home.

Benefits of a Countertop Pizza Oven

While the traditional method of making pizza can be rewarding, it can also be time-consuming and the results may vary. Home cooks who want to create restaurant-quality pizza can enjoy a wealth of advantages with a countertop pizza oven.

For one, a countertop pizza oven is designed for easier use so you don’t have to spend endless hours learning how to make great pies. With the right appliance, you’ll have delicious pizza every time. The heat is much more consistent than when you try to make it on your own and the baking time is drastically reduced due to the powerful interior that makes sure your food gets cooked all the way through without any cold spots or scorching flavors. In addition, these appliances usually come with accessories such as adjustable racks and trays for even heating throughout for an even bake no matter what type of crust or ingredients are used in your pizzas.

Countertop pizza ovens are also incredibly versatile—you can use them to make not only pizzas but also other dishes like calzones, flatbreads, or even roasted vegetables or meats! This means that home cooks who already own one will find themselves able to produce restaurant-worthy meals with minimal effort at home any night of the week–without breaking out into a full oven ordeal when they could be enjoying their meal instead!


Due to their compact size and ability to be tucked away out of sight when not in use, pizza ovens can provide a great deal of convenience in the kitchen. These small but mighty appliances eliminate the need for heating a large oven for small batches of food or preparing homemade pizzas without the need for a full-sized kitchen oven. Moreover, most countertop ovens have multiple settings that allow you to bake, roast, grill, and even toast.

Another advantage of having a countertop pizza oven is that it serves as an extra cooking appliance when you need to prepare quick meals or host dinner parties. If you’re tight on space and resources, using this type of oven is more practical than investing in full-sized commercial-grade equipment. And with preprogrammed settings that make baking your favorite recipes easier than ever, these handy kitchen gadgets are perfect for busy working professionals and college students alike.

Faster cooking times

The unique design of countertop pizza ovens makes it easier to achieve consistently quick cooking times without overcooking or burning the pizza. The power in combination with the heating elements, convection setting and husky walls of a countertop pizza oven allow for pizzas to be cooked faster than traditional ovens. The fast heat up times achieved with a countertop pizza oven can ensure that you have your pizza cooked and on the table within minutes!

Typically, you can expect a 12” thin-crust pizza to take anywhere from 7-10 minutes in a countertop pizza oven while larger 16” thick-crust pizzas usually need 10-15 minutes. The efficiency of the heat flow in these ovens also ensures that your pizzas cook evenly no matter where they are placed on the pies plate. This evenness of cooking makes it possible to bake large batches of small to medium pizzas within just 2-5 minutes each – something you wouldn’t be able to achieve in any other device unless you use multiple traditional ovens.

Energy efficiency

When considering the energy efficiency of a countertop pizza oven, it is important to keep in mind that these appliances work differently than regular ovens. While traditional ovens use an open flame or heated air to cook food, a countertop pizza oven uses radiant heat. This type of heat is much more efficient than other methods because it cooks food quickly and with very little energy.

Furthermore, it is possible to buy countertop pizza ovens with specific energy-saving features such as timer functions that turn off the heating elements when the cooking time has elapsed. This saves both energy and money by reducing wasted heat. Additionally, some models are designed to reduce preheating times, as well as Cook Temperature Surfing technology which ensures an even baking temperature no matter how many pizzas are cooked at once.

All these features combined make countertop pizza ovens highly energy-efficient and can help keep your electricity bill down.

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Factors to Consider When Choosing a Countertop Pizza Oven

When selecting the best countertop pizza oven for your needs, there are several factors to consider. The primary decisions will come down to size, power and type of pizza oven that best suits your needs. There are several types of countertop pizza ovens available on the market. This guide will discuss each in detail and look at their individual benefits and drawbacks, helping you decide which one is right for you.

Size: Countertop pizza ovens come in a variety of sizes ranging from small personal-sized ones to large professional grade models that can accommodate multiple pizzas at once. Consider how much cooking space you’ll need when making your selection.

Power: Most countertop models have wattage ratings between 500-1400 watts and use different heat sources such as gas or electric heating elements. Determine which type most meets your needs and budget before making a purchase.

Type: Electric pizza ovens use elements to heat the interior chamber while gas-powered models use natural gas or propane tanks in their design. Each has its own advantages – electric tends to offer faster preheat times while gas has a more consistent cooking temperature over a longer period of time – so choose based on what works best for your specific situation.

Wood burning ovens are also an option in some cases but require a dedicated flue setup and appropriate ventilation system in order to be used safely, making them better suited for outdoor spaces than kitchen countertops.

Size and capacity

When shopping for a countertop pizza oven, it’s important to consider the size and capacity. There are surprisingly few factors to consider in selecting the right size oven – primarily the dimensions of the unit, its weight, and its capacity to provide enough space to cook an appropriately sized pizza.

Size and capacity will largely depend on your available counter space and what type of pizza you typically make. Most consumer pizzas are 12-inches, but pizzerias often make larger pies (upwards of 18-inches). If you plan on making multiple personal-sized pizzas at once, look for a spacious oven that can fit more than one pizza at a time.

A good rule of thumb when selecting a size is to find an oven that can fit your largest possible pie but still fits within your allocated space. This will give you some wiggle room when cooking smaller pizzas – making it easier to spread out toppings evenly or add more over time. It’s also important to be mindful of any ventilation system requirements, as many countertop pizza ovens must be placed within proper proximity from nearby cabinets or walls – depending on the model.

Cooking temperature

The precise cooking temperature of a pizza oven is a major factor to consider when determining which countertop oven to buy. Most of these units cook pizza quickly at a mid-range temperature, usually ranging between 450 and 550 °F (232 and 287 °C). However, some models are designed with higher temperature settings – up to 680 °F (360 °C) – while others offer lower temp settings.

The ideal countertop oven should offer a wide range of temperatures so you can use it for other dishes that require higher or lower temperatures like roasted vegetables or melt cheese dip. Additionally, some have “convection” modes which allow for faster cooking by circulating hot air around the food; this not only speeds up the cooking process but produces a crunchier and tastier finished product.

Cooking surface

The surface of a countertop pizza oven is important for the final product to be cooked to perfection. Many models come equipped with a pre-seasoned stone baking surface, allowing you to bake pizzas with a crispy, golden-brown crust. This not only ensures consistent results with every batch of dough, but it also prevents sticking and messy clean up afterward.

Other models may boast additional surfaces such as aluminum and stainless steel. Depending on the model you purchase, the materials and size of the cooking surface will vary. If your goal is to make highly specialized pizzas that require precise shaping or smaller serving sizes, you’ll want one with multiple separate surfaces for accuracy in cooking.

Consider which shape your pizzas will typically be in and avoid purchasing one that does not fit those needs ahead of time!

Ease of use and cleaning

Modern countertop pizza ovens are easy to use, often with easy-to-read temperature and timer settings. Many also feature a preheating cycle that lets you set the ideal baking temperature ahead of time. Some come with adjustable racks so you can customize the height of your pizzas relative to the heat source, giving you perfect results every time.

Most countertop pizza ovens also don’t require much in the way of cleaning — simply brush away debris and ashes, and wipe out any burn residue if necessary. Some models may require more attention every so often, such as having to scrape away congealed cheese or other bits of food inside the oven using a scraper; however, generally speaking most pizza ovens are remarkably simple to maintain over time.

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In conclusion, countertop pizza ovens are a great choice if you plan to make pizza at home but don’t want to invest in building or buying a full-sized oven. A countertop pizza oven is an easy and convenient way to enjoy restaurant-quality pizza in the comfort of your own home.

To make the best decision, it’s important to consider factors such as your budget, usage frequency, and desired features before purchasing. With the right information, you’ll be able to narrow down your choices and decide on the best countertop pizza oven for you.


Is countertop pizza oven worth it?

A countertop pizza oven can be worth it if you frequently make pizza at home and want a quicker and more convenient option than using a traditional oven.

Do I really need a pizza oven?

You don’t necessarily need a pizza oven, as you can make pizza in a regular oven or even on a grill. However, a pizza oven can provide a more authentic cooking experience and produce a unique flavor and texture.

Is it worth getting an outdoor pizza oven?

If you enjoy entertaining and making pizza for large groups, an outdoor pizza oven can be worth it. It can also provide a fun and unique cooking experience and add value to your outdoor space.

Does pizza from a pizza oven taste any better than regular oven pizza?

Pizza from a pizza oven can have a unique flavor and texture due to the high heat and fast cooking time. However, personal preference plays a role, and some people may prefer the taste of regular oven pizza.

Is pizza better in oven or grill?

Both methods can produce delicious pizza, but a pizza oven or a regular oven can provide more consistent results. A grill can be a good option for outdoor cooking and adding a smoky flavor.

Is homemade pizza better than take out?

Homemade pizza can be better than takeout as it allows for more control over the ingredients and customization of toppings. It can also be a fun and rewarding activity to make pizza from scratch.

Is it better to microwave or oven pizza?

Oven pizza is generally better than microwaved pizza as it allows the crust to crisp up and the cheese to melt. Microwaving can result in a soggy and unevenly heated pizza.

What do I need to know before buying a pizza oven?

Consider the type of pizza oven (outdoor, countertop, or traditional), size, fuel source, temperature range, and additional features such as a built-in thermometer or stone baking surface.

Are pizza makers worth it?

A pizza maker can be worth it if you frequently make pizza at home and want a convenient and efficient cooking method. However, it may not provide the same authentic flavor and texture as a traditional pizza oven.

Is countertop oven better than regular oven?

A countertop oven can be better than a regular oven for certain tasks such as baking small batches of food or for faster cooking times. However, a regular oven is typically more versatile and can handle larger dishes.

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